MNLA Academic Scholarship

The Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association is committed to furthering the education of those pursuing careers in the Green Industry by awarding scholarships to qualified applicants.

Scholarships are made possible by contributions from MNLA, members and Green Industry friends. 100% of each donation goes directly towards scholarships. Industry contributions help provide the financial support that students need to obtain their education and enter into our industry.


MNLA’s Career and Industry Development Committee accepts scholarship applications until November 1st of each year - with award announcements in December and award presentations at the Great Lakes Trade Expo in Lansing, Michigan in late January.  For questions or comments contact MNLA's Associate Director Emily Huening or call (517) 381-0437.


MNLA Members Raise Up The Next Generation
Over the past few years, we have heard you tell us that you’re concerned about the next generation coming into the Green Industry. Or rather, the lack thereof. But, don’t despair; together we can do something about it!

This past year, with your Membership Dues renewal, you donated to the Scholarship Fund. And last summer, you participated in the Annual Golf Outing (where all of the proceeds go to the Scholarship Fund). Because of your generosity, together we awarded Scholarships to these well-deserving college students:

Congratulations to the 2025 Scholarship Recipients!

Bouvy headshot

Corbin Bouvy

Johnson headshot

Jakobi Johnson

Collins headshot

Zander Collins

Kleinsasser headshot

Tyler Kleinsasser

Draaisma headshot

Larisa Draaisma

Laing headshot

Jeff Laing

Drimby headshot

Myles Drimby

Mellema headshot

Benjamin Mellema

Hawks headshot

Nathan Hawks

Mariah Palazzola headshot

Mariah Palazzola


Petiprin headshot

Talyn Petiprin