Michigan's Nursery and Landscape Association’s Standard of Excellence

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Certified Green Industry Professional, which was founded in 1980 as “Michigan Certified Nurseryman”, is a well-established and trusted program that certifies professionals who maintain the highest degree of integrity. This certification program identifies dedicated individuals who are knowledgeable and experienced in their chosen field of work within the Green Industry. With over 40 years of being Michigan’s Green Industry standard of excellence, Certified Green Industry Professional (CGIP) is the recognized Certification Program of the Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association (MNLA).

The Benefits of CGIP Certification
Certified individuals and MNLA companies who employ certified individuals benefit from a statewide Certification program that accounts for Michigan’s unique climatic and environmental conditions. Additional benefits include:
•    Identifies individuals in the Green Industry who are dedicated, knowledgeable, and experienced
•    Raises industry standards and awareness
•    Establishes a level of credibility and professionalism
•    Improves career opportunities and advancement
•    Provides individuals with personal achievement and accomplishment
•    Acts as a tool for learning and continuing education

Make These Benefits Your Own! Choose Your CGIP Specialty!