2025 CGIP Exam Schedule

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2025: CGIP Core Exam Review & Exam held at the Great Lakes Trade Expo, DeVos Place, Grand Rapids, MI. CGIP Core Exam Review is 8:00-10:00am. Core Exam is 10:00am-12:00pm (Section 1: Plant ID) and 12:00-2:00pm (Section 2: Multiple Choice and Specialty Exams).
To register for an Exam, please complete THIS PDF, and submit it to Emily. Exams are offered via Zoom by appointment only.
Please contact Emily if you have any questions.

Eligibility Requirements
2,000 hours of Green Industry employment experience are required prior to taking the CGIP exam. Relevant education may be applied toward a portion of the required hours.

If you would like to be certified in the Landscape Design specialty, the 2,000 hours of Green Industry employment experience must be professional Landscape Design experience. In addition, a portfolio containing three representative samples of design work done by the applicant must be submitted no later than two weeks before the exam date. Click here to download the guidelines for this submittal.

What Do I Need to Know For the Exam?
•    Information from the CGIP Plant Identification Exam Review CD (included with the Core Manual)
•    Information in the CGIP Core Manual
•    Information in your chosen CGIP Specialty Manual
•    Information and knowledge gained by the applicant’s industry or collegiate experience

I’ve Met the Eligibility Requirements, But What is the Format of the Exam?
The CGIP exam is a four-hour written exam consisting of three sections:
•    Section 1 — Plant Identification (from Core Manual) — Identification of 100 common landscape plants with botanical and common names via power point slides consisting of evergreen, shade and ornamental trees, evergreen and deciduous shrubs, vines and groundcovers, herbaceous perennials, annuals, bulbs, ornamental grasses, ferns and aquatic plants.
•    Section 2 — General Knowledge (from Core Manual) — 150 true/false and multiple choice questions
•    Section 3 – Specialty Knowledge (from Specialty Manual of your choice) — 100 true/false and multiple choice questions

How is the Exam scored?
Each of the three sections are graded separately with 70% being required to pass each section. All three sections must be passed in order to obtain certification. If one section is not passed, the applicant is only required to retake that section.

How Much Does It Cost?
Each CGIP Exam costs $25 for MNLA Members and $50 for Non-Members.
Note: The Core Exam plus a Specialty Exam counts as two (2) exams.

For info and pricing on Study Manuals, click here.

How Do I Apply?
For first time applicants, download and fill out an Application and Registration Form. Be sure to indicate the exam date that you plan to take the test. Applications must be submitted 1 week** before the exam date in order to be considered for the exam. Return the completed form to the Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, 2149 Commons Parkway, Okemos, MI 48864.

For applicants adding a Specialty or Retaking an Exam, download and fill out a Registration Form. Be sure to indicate the exam date that you plan to take the test. Applications must be submitted 1 week** before the exam date in order to be considered for the exam. Return the completed form to the Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, 2149 Commons Parkway, Okemos, MI 48864.

**Applications for the Landscape Design Specialty must be submitted 2 weeks before the exam date in order to be considered for the exam. The Landscape Design Prerequisite of a portfolio containing three representative samples of design work done by the applicant must be submitted with the application. Click here to download the guidelines for this submittal.

When and Where is the Exam Given?
CGIP exams will be administered on a monthly basis, from September through March.

When Will I Receive My Results?

An email informing you of your Exam score will be sent to you as expeditiously as possible within one to two weeks of the exam.

What is Included in My Certification?
Becoming Certified Benefits Your Professionalism in many ways, but there are several other benefits that Certified professionals also enjoy:
•    A subscription to MNLA’s Award-winning, bimonthly Magazine, The Michigan Landscape™!
•    MNLA electronic newsletters
•    Promotion of MNLA Member Firms that employ Certified Professionals!

How Do I Maintain My Certification After I Pass the Exam?