The newest benefit to MNLA Members came with the changes that were made to the unemployment rules, expanding the activities that qualify for work search. The Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) has approved our online training program, “Project PLaNT: Green Industry Fundamentals”, as a valid work search activity!
What does this mean for you? This means that if you and/or your employees are enrolled in our training program and complete one module per each week that they are laid off, they do not have to go out and search for work! In addition, every person that completes the Green Industry Fundamentals, receives a Certificate of Completion of the Certified Green Industry Professional Associate Status – the first step to becoming a fully accredited Certified Green Industry Professional!
Membership Matters! As a current member of MNLA there is NO CHARGE for enrollment in “Project PLaNT: Green Industry Fundamentals” for you or any of your employees!